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This database will be of help to those who intend to estimate the intake and the effective dose from bioassay measurements. Users can obtain a graph showing: (a)predicted values of the retention, urinary excretion or faecal excretion of radionuclides, or (b)committed effective doses (CED) per measured radioactivity in bioassay measurements as a function of time following single intake via inhalation or ingestion by workers or by members of the public. To Database Search FormNow, we release the PC software "MONDAL3", by which we can estimate the intake and the effective dose from bioassay measurements. NOTICE for users of "MONDAL3": Please download the fixed data file for the correction, and preserve the superscription in "MData" folder under the directory that installs "MONDAL3". fixed data file The models and parameter values used for the calculation are: |